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Current Projects

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Photo by Negative Space on

Data Analysis Consulting for DEI Companies

Tanesha has experience in working with companies doing data analysis, clustering, and interpretation of quantitative and qualitative data, and survey creation (Qualtrics and Survey Monkey). Want to work with Tanesha – click below

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Photo by Pixabay on


Tanesha is currently working on her dissertation on Black Teenagers and socioeconomic status, investigating the relationship between experiences of racial discrimination and psychological well-being and distress.


#BlackInMentalHealth is one of many Black in X initiatives created since 2020 at the height of the Pandemic.

unrecognizable ladies messaging smartphones on street
Photo by Tim Douglas on

The Resource Corner

“Knowledge is power and shared knowledge is power multiplied.”

“What is the point of being alive if you don’t at least
try to do something remarkable?”